TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction)
It involves making a small incision in the testicle, taking a tissue sample and examining it for the presence of sperm. In this method, which is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia, there is no need to examine the tissue with a microscope, since normal sperm production is normal everywhere in the testicle, and it is possible to obtain tissue taken from anywhere in the testicle. Sometimes things may not go as planned and no sperm may be found. However, this does not mean that it is not possible to have a baby. The chance of sperm retrieval is maintained with special treatments.
Who is it applied to?
- Those with obstruction in the reproductive cell ducts.
- Those with azoospermia caused by hormonal reasons
- Congenital absence of reproductive cell ducts.
- Those with azoospermia caused by genetic causes
- Those receiving chemotherapy and radiation therapy
- Infection (Mumps)
Points to Consider After Tese Surgeries
Regardless of the type of Tese operations, the points to be considered are generally the same. It is useful to pay attention to the information made to make this process easier and without complications.
- Rest for a few hours after the operation
- Ice should be applied for 24 hours after the operation
- Testicles should be supported from below and kept above as much as possible
- Tight underwear should be worn for 10-15 days
- The use of antibiotics and painkillers given after the operation
- Heavy physical activities should be avoided and driving should be avoided.
- After 3 days, it is appropriate to take a shower.
- Dressing should be done 2 days after the operation.
- Sexual intercourse should be avoided for one week after the operation
- Those who use blood thinners should discontinue them one week before the procedure
- There is no need to remove the stitches as they dissolve on their own.
- There may be swelling in the procedure area after the operation. This is quite normal and the testicle will return to its normal shape within 10-15 days.