Embryo Donation

What is Embryo Donation?

It is an in vitro fertilization procedure using both donor eggs and donor sperm for any reason. Although the egg donation procedure and sperm donation procedure are applied together, the treatment is easier and the success rate is higher. In addition, the length of stay in Cyprus is shorter compared to other treatment methods, providing an advantage in terms of cost and time for busy parents-to-be. The success rate of embryo donation is close to 90% as long as there are no problems in the uterus and it is safely preferred for expectant parents who have egg and sperm problems. As in egg donation treatment, the egg donor is determined according to the physical characteristics or wishes of the expectant mother. At the same time, a sperm donor candidate is selected and reserved from the sperm bank according to the physical characteristics or wishes of the prospective father. When the treatment of the egg donor begins, the treatment of the expectant mother begins synchronously. After approximately 11-15 treatments, the eggs are ready. If the preparation stage of the expectant mother is appropriate, the egg cells and selected sperm cells taken in the laboratory environment are combined into embryos by microinjection method. The expectant mother and father do not need to be physically present during this process. The embryos are transferred to the expectant mother on the 3rd day or preferably on the 5th day. Embryo donation treatment has also attracted the attention of single women without a partner and has been highly preferred in recent years.

Treatment Process of Embryo Donation in Cyprus

MODULE 1 (Fresh/Fresh transfer)

After the pre-preparation processes of the expectant mother and the donor prepared accordingly are completed synchronously, the transfer day is determined and the 2 nights and 3 days treatment process in Cyprus is organized.

Day 1

Your donor’s eggs, specially prepared for you, are collected early in the day. Due to the importance we attach to information security, all procedures are carried out with great care and confidentiality. The sperm sample selected from our bank and the eggs are combined in our laboratory by our expert embryologists. Our specialist nurses will start the additional medications for the rest of your treatment.

Day 2

The egg and sperm cells are combined in the laboratory by microinjection and it is checked whether they are fertilized or not, or if so, how many of them are fertilized. We call the cell formed from this combination an “embryo”. Your phone should be on during the day as you will be informed by our embryologists after the controls.

Day 3

Day 2 of your embryos. While you rest at home or continue your work, our expert embryologists will safely monitor your embryos. In some special cases, transfer can be planned on the 3rd day of embryos. In this case, you will be informed by our nurses about your transfer time the next day and the things you should pay attention to beforehand.

Day 4

Your embryos will be transferred on the 3rd day and their quality and number will be evaluated. In some special cases, transfer can be planned on the 3rd day of embryos.
Again, you will be informed by our embryologists.

Day 5

Day 4 of your embryos. You will be informed by our nurses during the day about your transfer time the next day and the things you need to pay attention to before the transfer. Since it will be convenient for you to come to Cyprus 1 day before the transfer, your travel is planned with the organization carried out by our transportation team. At the end of your journey, which starts under the control of our team, you will be welcomed with our private vehicle when you land at Cyprus Ercan Airport. Since you do not need to come to the clinic, you can spend today resting after your transfer to your preferred hotel in Kyrenia or Nicosia. During your journey in Cyprus, you will notice that the traffic is on the left lane and the steering wheel is on the right side. For this reason, crossing rules are also different and you need to be careful when crossing the road.

Day 6

Transfer day To achieve high success and reduce the risk of multiple pregnancy or increase the chance of multiple pregnancy, embryo transfer is usually done on day 5. We call this blastocyst embryo transfer. On the day of transfer, your emotions such as excitement and anxiety may peak. Our team is always with you in this process. In order for the embryo transfer to take place more easily, you need to urinate and therefore you are asked to drink about 1 liter of water 1 hour before the transfer. After the pre-transfer preparations are completed, you will be informed about your embryos and your transfer process, which will take 10 minutes in total, will be completed. After 30 minutes of bed rest, you will be informed about your treatment and the issues to be considered after the transfer. If your treatment includes an injection procedure, our nurses will perform it at your hotel.

If you have any remaining embryos, they will be frozen after you have been informed. In this way, if there is any negative situation, you will have the chance to try again at a lower cost, and in case of pregnancy, you will have the advantage of having the same genetics as you may want siblings in the future.

Day 7

Now it’s time to return, hoping that your transaction went well. Our private car will pick you up from your hotel and transfer you to the airport in comfort.

The Process After Embryo Donation Treatment

We hear so often that 12 days is worth 12 years. We are as excited as you are and we sincerely hope that this process will be successful. If your pregnancy test is positive, we recommend that you make an ultrasound appointment 10 days later. Depending on the result, you may sometimes be asked to repeat the pregnancy test 2 days later. If your pregnancy test is negative, the medication will be discontinued and you may be asked to repeat the test.

MODULE 2 (Freeze/Frozen embryo transfer)

In this treatment model, embryos are created in advance, evaluated according to the results and treatment is planned.

After the donor candidate is identified, her treatment is started. B

As a result of the controls, the day of egg collection is decided.
he eggs collected from the donor and the sperm cells previously selected from our bank are subjected to the microinjection process after the necessary sorting. The fertilization is checked on the following day, followed and evaluated in the following days, and the embryo is frozen on the 5th day (blast stage) according to its development and quality. Afterwards, preparations for transfer are initiated according to the menstrual cycle of the expectant mother


If the embryo development is not at the desired level, the procedure is repeated with another suitable donor egg, taking into account the sperm status, and the family is exempted from the costs incurred in this process.

n also select embryos from our stock of donor eggs and donor sperm. ü Embryos in our stock may have some of the characteristics that are required in the current process.

Although this type of treatment has its advantages, the choice is made according to the workload, financial situation and expectations of the expectant parents.

As s Fertility Center team, we wish you good luck.

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