Vaccination Treatment
What is Vaccination Treatment?
Vaccination is the process in which the eggs are left to grow on their own or stimulated with drugs to increase the chances of the expectant mother to conceive naturally, and the sperms are concentrated and released into the uterus during the ovulation (ovulation) period.
The chance of pregnancy is increased by making it easier for sperm to reach the uterus if they encounter obstacles naturally. While a woman has a 10% chance of becoming pregnant in the normal way, the pregnancy rate in vaccination is around 20%.
To whom is it applied?
1. Couples who have not been able to conceive despite regular intercourse for one year and there is no problem
2. Those with low egg reserve and little chance of IVF treatment
3. Those whose sperm count and motility are too low to conceive naturally
4. Those who are planning IVF treatment but want to catch this chance with vaccination to get rid of the inconvenience and financial burden
5. Those who want to have children but have vaginusmus
Vaccination Treatment
The expectant mother is given ovarian stimulant medication or injections on the 3rd day of her menstrual cycle according to her examination. In this treatment, which will last approximately 10-12 days, it is aimed for the eggs to reach a certain number and size. If deemed appropriate, an injection, also known as a “hatching injection”, is given to mature the eggs. In these days when the ovulation (ovulation) period is in progress (36 hours after the cracking needle), vaccination is planned. Sperm cells taken from the father-to-be after 3 days of abstinence are washed and concentrated. In the meantime, the expectant mother is asked to drink about 1 liter of water 1 hour beforehand to compress urine. The ready sperms are placed into the uterus of the expectant mother. The procedure is painless and takes 5-10 minutes. In those with vaginusmus, the vaccination procedure may be required under anesthesia and in this case it is requested to come hungry and thirsty. Medications to be used after vaccination are added and sexual intercourse every other day for 1 week may be recommended. After about 15 days, a pregnancy test is requested.
If the vaccination does not work, it is recommended to try a few more times. If it still does not work, the next step is in vitro fertilization.